Understanding YIELD, IRR, and Cash on Cash Return: Which Metric to Use for Evaluating Investment Opportunities?

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Funding Souq Editorial Team
Tech Writer
Jul 27, 2023
Funding Souq’s editorial team comprises experienced finance and investment professionals that are on a mission to fuel SME growth, create jobs, and drive the economy forward. They aim to share their extensive experience and industry know-how to empower entrepreneurs and investors alike.
Jul 27, 2023
Table of Contents

Investor’s mindset


To evaluate potential investment opportunities strategically, one must think like an investor. To assess an investment's viability and possible returns, investors carefully examine numerous indicators and criteria. This strategy necessitates properly controlling risks while also taking into account both short-term gains and long-term growth. Individuals can make well-informed choices that support their financial objectives and result in profitable investment projects by adopting an investor's mindset.


Terms to understand:


It's important to understand the key phrases used in investment analysis before diving into investment prospects. The most basic measures to understand are Yield, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Cash on Cash Return. Bonds and other fixed-income investments frequently employ yield, which is a measurement of the income received about the amount invested. IRR compares various investment possibilities with varied cash flow patterns while taking into account the time value of money and cash flows. Cash on Cash Return, which is frequently employed in real estate deals including mortgage financing, assesses the cash generated compared to the initial cash input.


Differences of Key Metrics:


Each statistic has a certain function when assessing investments. The term "yield" focuses on fixed-income instruments and offers a clear percentage return on investment over a predetermined period. IRR, on the other hand, offers a thorough percentage-based comparison while taking into consideration the intricacies of cash flows and investment horizons. When examining real estate purchases including down payments and mortgage financing, Cash on Cash Return complements IRR and allows investors to assess cash flow production.


Let's imagine that a potential investor is weighing his or her options: 


Option A is a corporate bond with a yield of 6% 

Option B is a real estate asset with a yield of 10% but with a significant initial down payment. 


The investor determines the cash flows for both choices using IRR, taking into account the time value of money and prospective property appreciation. After thorough consideration, it is discovered that Option A, with its easier cash flows, has an IRR of 6%, which is the same as its yield. But Option B, with its more intricate cash flows, shows a 15% IRR as a result of the property's rising value. Option B seems to offer a more lucrative long-term investment potential while having a lower initial yield.


Metric for Long-Term Investments


The most crucial factor to focus on when considering long-term investments is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). IRR provides a more comprehensive picture of an investment's potential than simple yield calculations since it takes into account cash flows, the length of the investment, and the time value of money. By factoring in IRR, investors may make better decisions, align them with their long-term financial objectives, and set up their portfolios for long-term development.  


Conclusion and Remark:


In conclusion, adopting an investor's perspective enables people to make sensible and strategic decisions while researching potential investment opportunities. Understanding key terms like Yield, IRR, and Cash on Cash Return is essential to accurately estimate the potential returns of different investments. While yield is helpful for fixed-income instruments, IRR performs best when analyzing investments with complex cash flows and a range of time horizons. IRR is viewed as the most important factor for long-term investments since it enables investors to accurately forecast their future returns over time. You can have a prosperous investing career by adopting these investment principles. As you may recall, learning how to think like an investor is a skill that can be learned through training and practice.


The post is for educational purposes only and the Firm does not directly or indirectly provide these services. Funding Souq KSA is regulated by the Saudi Central Bank (SAMA). This communication is not directed at or intended to be acted upon by any Person in the DIFC.

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